Solving The Mystery Of Termite Swarmers In North Texas: Tips And Prevention

termite on top of a pile of wood

So you've spotted a bunch of flying ants that turned out not to be ants. What kind of creature is swarming around your home?

Unfortunately, it's probably termite swarmers.

If you've never had to deal with termite swarmers before, now's your chance to take the crash course. We're explaining all the things you wish you knew about termite alates, including how to spot them, what they mean, and how to prevent them from coming back.

Think you might be dealing with a termite infestation? Shoop's Texas Termite & Pest Control is on the case. We explain our step-by-step approach totermite control in North Texas, including when you might want to give us a call.

Tips For Identifying Termite Infestations

Let's clear something up right out of the gate: termite swarmers don't necessarily mean you have an infestation. Although it's extremely possible that one may lead to the other, you don't have to start panicking the minute you see a cloud of swarmers.

So, how do you tell the difference between a termite infestation and a termite swarmer?

Here are a few helpful tips from Shoop's Texas Termite & Pest Control:

  • Mud tunnels: These are small dirt tubes running down walls and ceilings. These indicate a firmly established infestation (or at least some previous activity in the home).
  • Frass: Frass, or fine sawdust shavings, indicate termite feeding. If you spot any 1/4-inch holes in walls, baseboards, or wooden structures, you likely have an active infestation.
  • Visible damage: Established termite infestations lead to significant household damage, such as tight-fitting doors, sagging walls, or spots of what looks like 'water damage' on your ceiling.

If you spot any of these signs of damage in your home, you should immediately contact Shoop's Texas Termite & Pest Control.

But if you're only seeing signs of termite swarmers around your property, you may be able to nip the issue in the bud.

What It Means When You See Termite Swarmers

Termite swarmers usually indicate an active termite colony near your home. The colony itself may or may not be inside your house, but if you spot a swarmer within your walls, you shouldn't hesitate to spring into action.

As soon as you spot local termite swarmers, you should inspect your home for signs of infestation.

If you don't already have a termite infestation, you should investigate for conducive conditions and use the prevention strategies below.

Prevention Strategies For Termite Swarmers

Termite swarmers are difficult to control and even more difficult to prevent.

Fortunately, the termite prevention tips we've outlined below can reduce your chances of experiencing an infestation. 

  • Remove any unnecessary soil-to-wood contact around the house, including mulch. 
  • Reduce the amount of humidity in your home, especially the basement.
  • Trim branches, shrubs, and other vegetation away from the sides of your home.

Keep in mind these termite prevention steps cannot completely eliminate your risks for infestation. There's still a chance you'll find termite swarmers nearby or, worse, discover an active colony inside your home.

If you're concerned about this possibility, you can contact Shoop's Texas Termite & Pest Control for a full termite service.

Here's how we can protect your property from unexpected termites.

When To Call In The Professionals

Catching sight of a termite swarmer doesn't instantly mean you're dealing with an infestation. It does, however, indicate a brewing problem nearby. You may need to consult with the experts for help.

Shoop's Texas Termite & Pest Control would be happy to assist with termite removal for your home. Give us a call to book an appointment and get started with protection for your property.